Anti Americanism in Muslim world and in the theory of Islamic revolution
IRDC.IR: Sigrid Fath, states in his book "Anti Americanism in the Muslim world" that one of the characteristics of the world of politics in recent years, has been the increasing Anti American feelings among many countries, especially Iran, which has a historical background. Therefore, some professors and researchers of political science and international relations has studied the causes and the roots of it.
Anti Americanism phenomenon was emerged in international relations, specially since early 80's, following some important incidents like Islam revolution of Iran. Primarily, some authors considered the opposition against United States policies just as the consequence of the bipolar system ruling the world politics and the competition and quarrel between East and West blocks. They didn't pay much attention to other factors, such as the increasing Islamism in the 80's. Gradually, a lot of contents were created about the rise of Anti Americanism phenomenon. The authors started to think outside the box and this phenomenon was analyzed by the writers and researchers, with case studies on different regions of the world, especially the Middle East and North Africa.
Roger Garaudy in "Anti Americanism, why?" States that Anti Americanism is neither prejudicial racism nor radical nationalism. The term means choosing a blissful human life instead of a meaningless life. In other words, it is to confront an specific culture called American culture. So being American isn't about its founders and natives. American, without considering geographic and racial factors, are those who live with this specific culture. From this point of view, many world leaders are as American as Bosch, Clinton, Reagan and many others. The main characteristic of this culture is forcing its demands on the mankind. Thus, Anti Americanism means confronting a global forcing system and its leaders, and the purpose is to set deprived people free from the imperialist system.
The experience of Islamic countries shows that the reasons of opposition against us are: military presence in Islamic countries, supporting Zionist regime, supporting dictators in Islamic countries, I starting war against Islam under the pretext of fighting terrorism, interfering in political affairs of the countries and etc. For these reasons, Anti Americanism is a key factor in the theory of Islamic revolution, and is reflected in the Iranian society.
However, Anti Americanism has gone further and Muslim countries, it's been spread to Europe, because the nature of the actions US takes all over the world, is harmful for national interests of the countries. In "Anti Americanism Century" we can see the will of confronting US even in modern Europe, but the historical roots of this feeling are stronger in Muslim countries.
Anti Americanism in Islamic revolution, goes back to Shiasm more than anything else. Shia thoughts are based on culture of Ashoora, which is fighting against injustice and messianic hope. It merges the message of the revolution with seeking justice and idealism, and its minor message can be seen it's objecting policy about the current circumstance of international system, and in its efforts seeking the ideal situation, an ideal society which couldn't have been achieved without deconstruction of the norms, overruling the international system.
The Anti Imperialst and Anti American orientation of the Islamic revolution, find its identity in the concepts like: "Neither East Nor West but the Islamic Republic", "National interest or expediency" and "freedom".
The concept of "freedom" is very important, especially in its Anti Imperialist aspect. According to this, Islamic revolution's approach, facing the international system and its active domineering actors, is merged with Anti Imperialism and Anti colonialism, and has lead to manifestation of the roles like: Anti Imperialism factor, Anti Colonialism factor and Anti Zionist factor for Islamic Republic of Iran. Considering these explanation, we can determine more concrete aspects of Anti American approach of the theory of Islamic revolution, at least in these two factors: "Anti Imperialism" and "Anti Imperialists alliance"
Translated by: Roya Jalali