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The story of BBC Persian radio's roles in the history of Iran

The story of BBC Persian radio's roles in the history of Iran

"BBC Farsi Radio" has been one of the effective factors of British policy in Iran since its launch in 1319 until recent years. Recently, the BBC World Service announced that it will close several departments, including its Persian and Arabic radio, to save about 30 million pounds. Although the BBC Persian television and website continue to operate, the history of the performance of the BBC Persian radio as the first media steps of the UK in Iran is an important issue, the review, and re-reading of which will have lessons and instructive points for Iran today and tomorrow.
Legal foundations of Salman Rushdie's apostasy sentence based on international regulations

Legal foundations of Salman Rushdie's apostasy sentence based on international regulations

Apart from the Islamic laws, the laws of Western countries such as France, Germany, England, America and etc; which are considered the cradle of freedom and democracy, have also placed restrictions on the publication of certain contents. According to the principles accepted in the international covenants and obligations, the publication of the insulting book "Satanic Verses" by Salman Rushdie is not only condemned, but requires punishment, and this responsibility comes from the clear violation of the accepted principles of these international regulations. In other words, the publication of this offensive book is a clear violation of the Universal Charter principles.
A global massacre with the slogan of “human rights”
A glance at America's crimes in four corners of the world

A global massacre with the slogan of “human rights”

At various times, the US Democratic and Republican leaders have supported brutal wars of attrition against riots in Guatemala, El Salvador, Haiti, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and other countries. Torture and killing by death squads have been common counterinsurgency methods in all these regions. From 1959 to 1975, American forces dropped approximately eight million four hundred thousand tons of bombs and napalm and eighteen million barrels of chemical agents in Vietnam. They became homeless. In the late 1980s, the US National Security Administration helped Mexico crackdown on progressive reformist elements that tortured and killed at least 275 political dissidents.
Abolition of the Darcy contract and the appearance of the 1933 deal
Secret and revealed angles of oil in Iran

Abolition of the Darcy contract and the appearance of the 1933 deal

On the 28th of May 1901, the first important contract for the exploitation of Iran's oil mines for 60 years was awarded to a British citizen named William Knox.Darcy. Some of the provisions of this concession were changed during the reign of Reza Pahlavi. This happened in 1933 between the two countries and led to a new agreement called the 1933 deal.
The structure of the Zionist regime’s torture of Palestinian children

The structure of the Zionist regime’s torture of Palestinian children

The arrest, torture, and imprisonment of innocent Palestinian children are part of the Zionist child-killing regime’s plans. The three main levers of the network (Israel Security Agency), the police, and the intelligence service of the Israeli army are working to interrogate the detainees of Palestinian children in Israel. Almost all children, without exception, go under one or more than one form of torture, such as; beatings, deprivation of food and drink, exposure to intolerable temperatures, lack of access to health services, sleep deprivation, and so on. The torment inflicted on Palestinian children must be seen in the context of governmental torture. Carrying out these methods of torture is a conscious decision by the Zionist regime, a decision taken in line with their overall strategy to weaken any real or potential resistance to the occupation.
Parviz Sabeti's story about Massoud Rajavi's collaboration with SAVAK / Sabeti: I saved Rajavi!
A glance at the most top secret memories from one of the elements of Pahlavi regime

Parviz Sabeti's story about Massoud Rajavi's collaboration with SAVAK / Sabeti: I saved Rajavi!

I saved the life of Massoud Rajavi--becausehis brother (Kazem) was our agent and I had hired him in Switzerland.
A brief look at the positions and activities of Mohammad Ali Foroughi

A brief look at the positions and activities of Mohammad Ali Foroughi

On May 12, 1930, Mohammad Ali Foroughi, the then Minister of Economy of Iran, became the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran. Foroughi was one of the prominent members of Freemasonry and one of the first and most effective elements of the Western cultural invasion against Iran in the Pahlavi era.
Ups and Downs of the State and Provincial Associations

Ups and Downs of the State and Provincial Associations

State and provincial associations are among the first political-civil organizations of non-governmental organizations of Iranian society on the eve of the victory of the Constitutional Revolution. Which in the second Pahlavi era in the reforms made on the subject of elections, contrary to what the Constitution and other relevant laws stipulated, the oath of the elect in the Holy Qur'an had been changed to the "Holy Book." At the same time, the women (as electors and the elected) were given the right to vote and be elected, which led to widespread protests by scholars led by Imam Khomeini. In the following years, although this association wants to continue its activities in the provinces, but the documents and sources of that time, repeatedly It refers to the lack of status and uselessness of city and province associations in different regions of the country.
Seven Decades After the Consolidation of Iran's Oil in the Consortium

Seven Decades After the Consolidation of Iran's Oil in the Consortium

September 19, 1954, Ali Amini, Minister of Finance of the Zahedi Government, signed the text of the agreement with the International Oil Consortium. The contract was signed by Mohammad Reza Pahlavi on October 29, 1954, and the next day the first oil tanker belonging to a consortium of Western countries was loaded in Abadan, and a new era of foreign countries domination of Iran's economic resources and looting of great national wealth by the United States began. After the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Iranian oil was officially nationalized, but it was still the first and main point of contention between Iran and the United States. But during this period, the Islamic Republic not only mastered the mechanism of circumventing sanctions and making them ineffective, but also showed a brilliant record in implementing regional and supra-regional sanctions policies.
An overview of self-sacrifice of teenagers in the imposed war

An overview of self-sacrifice of teenagers in the imposed war

With the onset of the imposed war, adolescents were one of the most important groups who, in addition to education, had a large presence on the battlefields. Adolescents who, despite their young age and small stature, were able to leave a brilliant record with self-sacrifice. With their active presence in the field of logistics, collecting public aid, delivering weapons and ammunition to the fighters, etc., along with fighting face to face with the enemy, they created unique scenes on the battlefields of right against wrong.