A glimpse of history, shows us that France has always been looking for its demands acquisitively in the international relations, and has done any kind of crime to achieve them.
The first England - Afqanistan War (1842-1839) happened in the southern area of Helmand Valley. This war was one of the first big military expeditions of the 19th century, during the rivalry to gain power and penetration in Central Asia, known as the Great Game of the British Empire. Lots of Helmand residents were killed in the war, and fear and terror spread in Afqanistan. The development and prosperity were stopped, murder and depredation took over the country and many civilians were killed in this expedition.
The court master of ceremonies announced that the operation had been started for preparing Shah and his family to leave on 14 January 1979. He ordered to bring in the identification tags with the logo of the crown for the luggage, boxes and chests, in order to be packed and checked for the last time.
Iraq's military occupation by US troopers, lead to the fall of Saddam and the wane of Mujahedin groupuscule (Munafeqin).
On January 8 1936, Reza Khan Pahlavi banned hijab for Iranian women. The following Op-Ed article, published by, attempts to look at this issue from a colonial point of view.
Part 1
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi has always oppressed and killed his own people during his reign, and developed the goals of foreigners. The mercenaries and the agents of the pahlavi regime have committed different crimes, that some of them are discussed below.
Gavin Hambley, the History Professor from University of Texas, Dallas, United States has participated in authoring the book "History of Iran" published by University of Cambridge. He has mentioned the violence of Pahlavi dynasty: "During the Pahlavi era, there is no darker part than chasing and oppressing the tribes by Reza Shah mercenaries.
On 3 January 2020, the martydom of General Qasem Soleimani, the commander of Quds Force and Abu-Mahdi al-Muhandis, commander of Popular Mobilization Committee (al-Hashd ash-Shabi) was the news headline all over the world. Pentagon and United States Administration claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack.
Freemason activities in Iran began with Asgar Khan Afshar Aroomi in 1808, during Qajar era. Freemasonry was spread by Farrokh Khan Amin-o-doleh, Amir Nezam Garoosi and Yousef Khan Mostashar-o-doleh Tabrizi. The assembly of Mirza Malkom Khan, the Great Assembly of Adamiat (established by Abbas Gholi Khan Adamiat, the Loge of Mirza Mohsen Khan Moshir-o-doleh and the Private Society established by Mirza Ali Khan Zahir-o-doleh were the gatherings with no justification from a higher global freemasonry organization but their meetings, and their rites and rituals were so close to freemasonry loges.
Distortion has become one of the enemy's strategies to change the realities of Saddam's war against Iran (1980-1988). And this effort of the propaganda industry to create distortions increases day by day. The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, has pointed out seven of the realities of the Imposed War to prevent its distortion.