Tags - mohammad reza pahlavi
Reza Shah era was the time of fundamental reformations in the country. The reformations consist of a big range of positive and negative changes. Although the insights are sometimes paradoxical, but there's less doubt on the negative and anti-development actions of Shah. Even the supportive documents and resources have mentioned these actions. Although the documents from Den of Spies mostly cover Muhammadreza Shah era, but we can find information about Reza Shah era in some cases.
News ID: 207    Publish Date : 2021/02/28

On February 27, 1971, SAVAK announced in a confidential report, "Achieving a position in the Ministry of Education during the reign of Ms. Farrokh Ro Parsa has been monetized; and everyone can reach different positions by paying certain rates."
News ID: 205    Publish Date : 2021/02/21

Rise of Reza Khan Mirpanj and establishment of Pahlavi monarchy was in fact destruction of parliamentary government’s achievements and further autocracy of England in Iran such that it influenced Iran’s relations with other countries. In the second decade ...
News ID: 202    Publish Date : 2021/02/08

The ongoing protests, closing down Bazaar and the shops, threatening SAVAK agents all over the city and delivering handouts in the mosques, were the events of the Last months of Pahlavi era.
News ID: 194    Publish Date : 2021/01/25

That government was, firstly, corrupt: financially corrupt; ethically corrupt; and corrupt in administrative affairs. In the financial corruption, it suffices to remind that the Shah himself and his family were involved in most of the major economic transactions of the country.
News ID: 126    Publish Date : 2020/04/05

Rouhollah Husseinian
In 1962, remaining tiny bonds of propinquity and relationship between the regime and the clerical institution was unwoven. From one hand, the Shah was determined to suppress the clerics. It was quite clear in his speeches. On the other hand, the leadership of the movement was trying to prepare the students of seminary schools to stand against the regime. In 1962, it was crystal clear that the regime is determined to carry out its decisions. Before 1962, clerics played a passive role in political developments and adopted their stance after the regime’s initiatives. After 1962, however, the leadership of the movement decided to adopt a rather active role in the country’s political developments through its own initiatives in the campaign against the regime.
News ID: 125    Publish Date : 2020/04/11

The Paper Tiger
With Shah's escape on 16 January 1979, the crisis increased to the top. Shah and his associates knew that there was no coming back. And US totally knew that Pahlavi regime was done. But the military situation was interesting. The dependent military with no authority, always taking orders from foreign advisors, was feeling a huge vacancy.
News ID: 106    Publish Date : 2020/01/28

Robert Huyser, a US 4-star General states about the day Shah escaped: "We heard some helicopters above us, so we knew Shah had left Niavaran palace for Mehrabad airport and their path was right above The Joint Chiefs of Staff. We went on the balcony instantly. Yes. It was Shah and his escorts. 6 helicopters, all heading to Mehrabad.
News ID: 101    Publish Date : 2020/01/28

The military cooperation between the Pahlavi regime and the United States can go down history as a big treason, one that had targeted world peace and security. The weapons that Mohammad Reza Pahlavi used to buy were granted by giving the petrodollars of the Iranian nation to the US. They would finally turn into a fireball and descend upon the Iranian people, killing them in the streets.
News ID: 21    Publish Date : 2016/11/13