News ID: 194

The Plan staging a Coup d'etat by General Huyser

The ongoing protests, closing down Bazaar and the shops, threatening SAVAK agents all over the city and delivering handouts in the mosques, were the events of the Last months of Pahlavi era.
Monday 25 January 2021 - 13:52 The ongoing protests, closing down Bazaar and the shops, threatening SAVAK agents all over the city and delivering handouts in the mosques, were the events of the Last months of Pahlavi era.

On 5 January 1979, some handouts were published, with the title "Let's disgrace Shapour Bakhtiar's doomed to failure cabinet",revealing who Bakhtiar really was, his social democratic thoughts and his opposing to Islam. The handout explained the reasons of Shah's travel, the secularixation and Iran-US affairs and Bakhtiar's role: "The communist activities are steps toward stabilization of Pahlavi dynasty, but the Islamic Movement has inseparable ties with the nation's will and Imam Khomeini's leadership, and groups or parties not joining it, are destined to failure and downfall". In the meantime, Imam Khomeini's statement was published, declaring national day of mourning for the martyrs of Gazvin, Tehran and Mashhad.

Another handout was published, revealing that Bakhtiar was the CEO of on of the Pahlavi Foundation companis, and criticizing his demagogouery.

On 15 January 1979, the Radio announced that Bakhtiar got 149 yeas from the parliamant and on 16 January, Shah declared him as the Prime Minister. He claimed that the clergies were on his side, but Ayatollah Seyyed Muhammadreza Golpaygani denied it in a statement.

There is a report from the Exclusive Office, revealing the orders of the director of SAVAK: "Mr. Parviz Ansari is not allowed to investigate Mr. Hoveyda and General Nasiri, or even call them"

Investigating and interrogating these two and other arrested people would be scandalous. The arrests were all made on the basis of the "Fraud Plan". On 31 January, they were speaking of disbanding SAVAK, which was a just a show. There are documents that the agents were working until 9, on 13 January, one day after Pahlavi Regime collapsed. On that day, Bakhtiar's advisor, Marzban, presented a plan, later revealed that was to perform Huyser's plan for Iranian leaders' massacres. It's mentioned in the report that:
"The advisor of the Prime Minister clarified Mr. Bkhatiar's orders:

1. Detection of partisan groups and their relations, locations, and their power and facilities.

2. Detecting their connections and their links with employees of the ministries.

3. Detecting each and every communist in the ministries.

4. Building partisan operation centres in Tehran (and other cities if they turn out influencial )

5. The TV and the Radio will get back on track in a week, SAVAK agents must make moves to shackle the group threatening TV and Radio.

6. All the adversaries must be identified, the members of the parliamant, University personell, judges, lawyers, authors and etc.

7. Fake statements and handouts with Khomeini's signature and pictures of other Ayatollahs must be published to break the idolized Khomeini.

8. Some adherents had asked for permissions to hold demonstrations. This must be pursed, and they have to be paid (the payment was canceled later)

9. Anti-Partisan operation must be launched when needed an arrests should be made with minimum harm.

10. A telephone call coding machine was given to Mr. Moeinzade for making safe calls between SAVAK and ministery.

11. The code of the plan is D.W.1.

This document is a proof of CIA plan for staging a coup by Huyser, represented by a social democrat figure called Bakhtiar. But Imam's leadership came over all collusions of enemies.

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