US authorities confession about the deterrence power of Islamic Republic of Iran Political vulnerability and weakness of US government were the consequences of the the victory of Islamic Revolution, as US authorities have always confessed so.
Carter's Administration
Followed by the victory of Islamic revolution and US embassy take over, Jimmy Carter, then the president of United States, sent a message to Iran and mentioned the failure in his policies. He confessed that as the head of a political system he has done things that must be condemned. And after he failed to win the presidency election in 1980, he said: "It is remarkable that the a candidate's destination in a presidency campaign, is not defined in Michigan, Pensilvania or New York, but in Iran"!
Reagan Administration
In his time, other than the political, intelligence and military scandals in helping Baas Party of Iraq, the McFarlane affair (Iran-Contra scandal) was more notorious. In March 4 1990, Reagn said in a TV speech: "Sending a deputy to Tehran as a connection between two countries was a mistake". He fully took the responsibility for the Iran-related affairs of his administration. This confession is one of the most important parts of an event which Reagan called "Iran Gate". Americans compare the scandal to "Watergate" scandal of Richard Nickson and that's why the call it so.
George H W Bush Administration
He was the Vice President in Reagan's administration and so we could tell he was directly and indirectly involved in some important affairs related to Iran. The most important one may be the issue of American hostages in Lebonon, but the Iran Air passenger flight's shot down in the final weeks of Iran-Iraq war, is something Bush, the Vice President of Reagn has talked about it specificly. Even though he didn't apologize right after the incident, but he sounded more peaceful in the Security Council meeting: "Of course we feel bad, of course we feel sympathy and of course we care".
US policy failures in this time caused a bad reputation for the administration of George Herbert Walker Bush in early 90's.
Bill Clinton Administration
Between 1997-2001, when Clinton was the president of the United States, US policy against Iran was appeasement. It began with the offer of making things right but after a while it got aggressive. Bill Clinton, who was not able to confront Iran, confessed in his speech in 1980: "Iran has been the target of intrusion by various western governments. I believe that sometimes it's important to tell a nation that they have the right to be mad because of what my country, my culture, or anything related to us has done to you for 50, 60 or 150 years".
George Bush Administration
Christian Science Monitor Paper qoutes from Brzezinski, United States National Security Advisor during Carter's presidency: "Bush's policy against Iran is perplexed and he is making fun us in the region and the world. Our foreign policy has never been like the way it is now,like a toy in Iran's hands". The same paper qoutes from American authorities: "Albright has obviously confessed the failure of Bush's policies against Iran and has warned about US isolation in the world, and asked for a direct negotiation between Tehran and Washington.
Increased number of US casualties in Iraq to 3050 people and Bush's confession about even more casualties in New year, is analysed by Christian Monitor: "US has to accept Iran's Hegemony in Miiddle East... The failure of diplomacy against Iran... History repeats itself in West Asia".
Obama Administration
The failure of US aggresive policies against Iran has also made US authorities confess. John Bolton, US former embassodor to the United Nations said: "Iran has no fear of Obama's military threats". He wrote for Los Angeles Times: "Obama's foreign policy especially about Iran nuclear program has discredited United States. Iran is getting stronger day by day and Obama's Administration is a painful tragedy...".
Trump Administration
Trump, just like other US presidents has also confessed his weakness when it comes to Islam Republic of Iran. His fear of Iran's power, has been more obvious in his interviews, especially after Iran's retorsion after assassination of General Qasem Soleimani.
Lindsey Graham, The American Senator, mentioned Trump's words in Doha Conference 2019 and confessed that the reason why United States didn't take any action after Iran wrecked thier drone, was the danger they felt, the risk of Iran's retorsion. The Senator said that Trump told him if US invades Iran, they'll face a harsh retorsion from Ayatollah Khamenei, so he does not intend to do even a minor attack. Trump had explained the reason as if they cared about the lives of Iranian soldiers.