US embassy collusion in different countries US embassies were one way to pursue their interventionist policies. In the following text we will review some of US embassy villainous actions in different countries to reveal the true face of United States: Antihuman and arrogant.
US embassy in Brazil, the key factor for continuous dominion over South Africa
From 1961 to 1964, US embassy in Brazil played an important role in Brazil military coup. The US embassy report of President Goulart proceedings, created a tense situation against him to pave the way for US actions. US embassy sent a report to US Ministry of Foreign Affairs: "A hopeless foray from Goulart to gain dictatorial power is expected any minute".
The embassy perceived a threat for US interests in Brazil. The chief staff held a meeting in 24 March 1964, and agreed on overthrowing the president of Brazil. They chose General Castelo Branco, Chief of the General Staff of the Army, as the leader of the coup.
Brazilian Armed Forces, supported by the United States, overthrew the legal administration of Goulart. William Bloom, American author wrote: "This was the climax of the process US embassy collusion in Brazil was involved in".
Gordon, US embassador in Brazil reminded in his report that if the coup wasn't launched, all South American republics would got out of control".
The role of US embassy in El Salvador civil unrest
In the 60's, United States decided to reinforce security and intelligence services of El Salvador to quash the rebellion. Suppressing the students of El Salvador National University with US support prepared a chance for the powerful armed forces to stage a coup. But the coup. But the new government didn't last for more than three months, and was overthrown by an anti-coup also supported by US. Years after the incident, Dr. Fabio Castillo, the former chairman of the National University and the minister of overthrown government, testified in US congress: "US embassy started to interfere immediately in overthrowing the reformist government, and members of US military board increasingly invited people to revolt".
Communism, US embassy excuse to interfere in Costa Rica.
In 1970-1971, Williamson, who was represented as the first secretary of US embassy in San Jose, threatened the Costa Rican government. So the government unofficially asked for the US embassy staff
in San Jose to be expelled.
Figueres, a US ally himself, "made moves towards Communism" as the US embassy report claimed. The official telegraphs from US embassy to Washington, described the situation in Costa Rica as "dangerous". Figueres was accused of replacing the West with the East, accepting financial assistance for his campaign from communists and allowing them to penetrate in his administration.
Miami Herald, a high circulated paper, noted in its leading article: "The US embassy power and penetration in a small country such as Costa Rica is so obvious. The embassy announces its opposition to the government without hesitation, it motivates the protestors and inspires them to overthrow the government".
US embassy, the head of the rebellion in Dominican Republic
In political and social unrest of the Dominican Republic between 1960-1966, US embassy was the main operator behind the scenes. United States, which was involved in assassination of the president and the riots after that, tried to act as the saviour of the people, and take control of the process of election after the coup.
US embassy in Tehran, US den of Spies
US collusion in Iran, wasn't possible without a base of operation. US embassador, Luis Henderson, had an important role in Iranian 1953 coup. In fact the embassy was the executive committee of the coup. Kim Roosevelt managed each and every level of the coup directly from the embassy. After the coup, Henderson was given a one million dollar price by Muhammadreza Pahlavi, for his services.