News ID: 173

Confrontation of student movements with the American plans of the pahlavi regime

Students movements fought against the global arrogance on important events such as opposition to Nixon's visit to Iran, White Revolution and Capitualations, and also opposition to the economic influence of American board directed by Rockefeller.
Monday 14 December 2020 - 11:10
Irdc: Students movements fought against the global arrogance on important events such as opposition to Nixon's visit to Iran, White Revolution and Capitualations, and also opposition to the economic influence of American board directed by Rockefeller.

Students protest on 7 December 1953
US actions against Iranians on 19 August 1953 coup was not forgotten and forgiven by the students and they were waiting for a chance to payoff. On 15 November 1953, it was announced that Nixon, then Vice President of the United States, was going to visit Iran. The students held a protest. They the motif of their slogans were all anti capitalism and opposition to the West, specificly the United States.

Students opposition to US about the Consortium agreement of 1954
This contract gave 40% of the ownership of Iranian oil to western countries and was known as a colonial contract among the students.
Iranian students, blaming US for all this, held protests in May 1954. They believed the beneficiaries of the contract were foreign countries, especially United States and United Kingdom, so they stood up against it criticised US policies.

Anti American crusade opposing the White Revolution
In 9 January 1963, Muhammadreza Pahlavi announced the Six principles of the revolution. In February, Marja's and clerics, including Imam Khomeini, one of the best tutors of Qom, issued an statement to boycott the referendum. In the meanwhile, students, as an influencing group, also announced their opposition to the plan. They had recognized its American roots and had hung up Anti American banners all over the University of Tehran. They asked for cancellation of the bills opposing religous principles, in the line of US interests. 

Students opposition to United States about Capitualisation
In 1964, after confirmation of Capitualisation for US citizenry, which Imam Khomeini's opposition to it led to his exile, raised the public disssatisfaction about US interference in Iran. Once more, the students held protests against US colonial policy and its Iranian supporters, and many of them were arrested and jailed. 
After Imam's exile, students had a great role in closing down Bazaar and the protests held against US actions and Pahlavi regime. Many students were also arrested in these protests. Besides, the students distributed Imam's Anti American and Anti colonial handouts all over the University and Bazaar and fought for independence for Iranian society. 

Students opposition to the economic influence of American board directed by Rockefeller 
During Pahlavi era, the Rockefeller family were trying to take control of Iran's economy by strengthening Shah's political and economical relationship with United States. When Rockefeller had come to visit Iran with other American investors, they faced an exreme objection from the students. Students printed handouts asking everyone to fight against United States and its economic influence: "In 19,29 May 1970, Iranian ministers will shake hands with Americans to get Iran one step closer to political and economic dependence. Iranian nation will no longer take this..." 
The crusades of the students were fortified by Imam's enlightenmemt in 70's, and after the revolution, the students who were calling themselves" Muslim Student followers of Imam's line" took over US embassy (Den of Spies)

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