Rejection of meeting request of American officials by Imam Khomeini
Irdc: Imam Khomeini rejected US authorities meeting request repeatedly. Before the victory of Islamic revolution, he had declaired that he has not and won't have any relationship with US president.
rejection of Carter's deputies meeting request
After the US embassy takeover by Muslim Student followers of Imam's line, Carter, then the president of United States, sent two men called "Ramsey Clarck" and "William Miller" to Iran to meet Imam Khomeini and negotiate about the situation of their hostages. The moment he found about their visit in 7 November 1979, he said that: "No one has the right to negotiate with the United States. He issued an statement which also mentioned:" Apparently Carter's deputies are on their way to Iran and they intend to come to Qom and meet me. Thus, I have to remind that the United States government has clearly opposed Iran by keeping Shah in their country. Moreever, US embassy in Iran was a home for spies of the enemies of our Sacred Islamic Movement. So there's no way for me to meet their representatives"
He also warned the authorities not to meet them. He addressed them: "The members of Islamic Revolution Council must not meet them under any condition. No authorities have the right to do so"
His message was reflected in the press worldwide.
The spokesman of United States Department of States announced: "Iran's authorities had agreed to accept Carter's agents, but later we were informed that they must not travel to Iran."
By "Iran's authorities" he meant that the Interim Government of Iran had agreed to negotiate but they faced Imam's harsh reaction. So the two agents, who were in Turkey preparing themselves to fly to Iran, stopped at that point.
Late Seyyed Ahamd Khomeini noted: "The intresting thing about the statement is that it's the only one Imam had started without" In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate", just as Surah Baraa' in Quran".
Rejection of Senator Kennedy's meeting request
Edward Kennedy, American Senator and the presidential candidate, wrote a letter to Imam on 9 December 1979, and requested to meet him with 3 companions: "I'd like to travel to Iran with three friends of mine to meet you, if you permit us.... We support Islamic Republic 100%. You have stood against 235 million Americans with 35 million people, in only 11 months. You have caused an earthquake in the world. Salut, I would give my life for you. I think of the way, just as you do. I try hard to awaken the world with your leads. We've decided to declair our support, because we understand your beliefs and courses. We hope to hear from you".
Kennedy intended to end the hostage crisis in his own name to get a chance to win the election. But Iran's leader rejected his request.
On 12 December 1979 Imam's office declared the news. Kennedy's political prestige was questioned, and although the letter was received by Iran's foreign ministery, he denied sending such letter with that request. While the spokesman of Iran's foreign ministery had stated that: "A Telegram signed by Edward Kennedy had arrived at the ministery, and a copy of it was sent to Imam's office. And yesterday they announced that Imam has rejected the American Senator's request".
Seyyed Ahmad Khomeini also verified the reception of the letter and noted: "Imam said he won't accept them, because the nation's demand is clear. They want their overthrown king who has opressed them for 25 years and plundered the countries fortune.