News ID: 247

The Failure of the Pahlavi Regime to Confront Imam Khomeini During the Years of Exile

On October 5, 1965, Imam Khomeini was sent from Turkey to the second exile, Iraq. With the establishment of the Imam in Najaf, a new chapter of the struggle against the Pahlavi regime began. In return, the regime sought a royal show of strength to crack down more strongly on the activities of the Imam and his followers. The first attempt to do so was the occupation and looting of the Faizieh school in Qom. The attack on the Imam's house in Qom and its inspection was another reaction of the regime. In another move, the regime arrested and deported several Imam's tuition officials. But these measures had no effect on the process of struggle. The regime was forced to deport the Imam to a country like India in order to distance him from the people. The spread of this rumor provoked such a strong reaction among the people and the fighting forces that the regime stopped carrying it out.
Tuesday 16 November 2021 - 13:57 On October 5, 1965, Imam Khomeini and his son Ayatollah Haj Agha Mustafa were sent from Turkey to the second exile in Iraq. As soon as the Imam stayed in Najaf, a flood of letters and telegrams flowed towards him. Hearing the news of His presence, scholars and various personalities from different parts of Iran, especially from the seminary of Qom, tried to express their happiness by sending letters and Telegraphs. On this period, the Imam was speaking to the people through trusted clerics, and in response to messages, telegraphs, and letters he received from seminaries, clergy, and the people, he was sending "messages to continue the struggle against the government" and "not to weaken the seminary of Qom." His letters and messages were distributed and circulated among Qom scholars and clerics living in Tehran.

However, the Imam issued his first proclamation to the seminaries after his deportation to Iraq on April 16, 1967, and then sent an open letter to the then Prime Minister, Amir Abbas Hoveida.

By exposing the colonial plan, which "erases Islam and the holy rules of the Qur'an" and "erases and distorts the constitution," the Imam called on Islamic scholars and youth to persevere and explicitly promised the Iranian nation that the system would fail. In another message addressed to Amir Abbas Hoveyda, the Imam explicitly exposed and exposed the atrocities and violations of the Iranian regime

This letter is the last message that the Imam sent to one of the officials of the Shah's regime for advice and to complete the argument. By doing so, he fulfilled his mission to advise the Shah that "he may come to his senses and fear God."

In June 1967, the Israeli Air Force launched a surprise attack on the airfields of the Arab countries of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon, destroying more than 500 of their aircraft on the ground or in the air. The reasons for the defeat of the Arabs and the victory of Israel in this first war were the weakness of the Arab defense; It had weakened the morale of the soldiers and officers of the Arab corps due to the successive coups and its purges and killings.

With this invasion, the Imam, who believed that Islamic ideology knows no borders and that the issue of defending the rights of Muslims in the field of international relations is an obligation, in a statement, he condemned the Israeli aggression and banned any political, military or economic ties with that country. Scholars and clerics who were aware of the Imam's move expressed their support, and many of them issued proclamations following him.

Following the occupation of the Faizieh school in Qom by SAVAK, the Rouhani Mujahideen once again united and set in motion. In Qom, Tehran, and some other cities, clerics went on strike to protest the Shah's illegal actions and to refrain from holding congregational prayers and holding religious gatherings. Students of Islamic sciences in Najaf also called on the scholars of Najaf to help end Iran's violent acts by giving speeches in congregational prayers and marching in the streets.

The wave of opposition and protest eventually forced the regime to retreat and the Fayzeh school in Qom reopened, but to make up for this defeat, SAVAK banned the holding of ceremonies, fasting and mourning at the Imam's house in Qom.

The attack on the Imam's house in Qom and its inspection was another reaction to the issuance of the Imam's proclamation. With the issuance of this order, the Imam's house in Qom, with legal formalities and in the presence of the Representative of the Prosecutor, the place was fully inspected and all books, pamphlets, publications and announcements in the home library were transferred to Tehran after inspection. Simultaneously with this illegal raid on the Imam's house, his newly established library in Qom, also known as the "Vali-e-Asr" library, was looted. In this barbaric attack, thousands of volumes of scientific, philosophical, political, economic and moral books of that library were looted and sealed in the library.

There even came a time when the regime, out of sheer desperation and because it could not find another weapon to weaken the Imam and his movement, tried to tarnish the image of the Imam by accusing him of collaborating with the communists. But the awareness and enlightenment of the people at this stage prevented them from succumbing to the demagogic conspiracies of the regime and the Tudeh Party and, as in the past, but even more, to support their awakened leader.

In Najaf, too, the Imam had achieved a strong position and was supported by various segments of the people and the clergy. The popularity of the Imam gradually increased the concerns of the Iranian regime to the point that the Shah sought to exile the Imam to a country like India in order to distance him from the Iranians and Muslims. However, the spread of this rumor provoked such a strong reaction among the people and the fighting forces that the regime stopped implementing it.

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