What is the reason for permanence of the chant "Down with USA" in history of Islamic republic
IRDC.IR: Mr Rohollah Hosseinian, Islamic republic document centre chief discusses the effective factors in victory of Islamic revolution: "I believe that three elements of "leadership", "public resistance" and "Shia's uniting ideology" are the basic reasons for eternity and power of Islamic revolution. These factors were able to keep Islamic republic fresh and strong in confronting the super powers.
He says: "If we review the history, we can see that lack of the very factors led a national government to be overthrown and a military government come to power by US -with Britain's help- in 19 August 1953 coup.
It also led Saddam's regime to be overthrown, because it was devoid of ideology and it didn't have public support.
Hosseinian believes: "Permanence of the chant "Down with USA" has two reasons; first, ideological and second, historical.
Islamic republic document centre chief thinks of Imam Khomeini's engineering as the ideological reason and states: "Imam never believed that standing against dictatorship isn't the only war we have to fight. He said that if we overthrow a dictator, it's like we've moved a chess man, and colonialism will bring in another one, and as long as there are foreigners interfering in the country, nothing will be normal. So fighting with dictatorship and colonialism at the same time was his strategy, and that's how it works now. We should know US collisions are endless and if we lose or anti-dictatorship and anti-colonialism spirit, we'll be welcoming US again.
He says: "Iranians will never forget that how Americans humiliated the nation during Pahlavi era. We've heard stories of Iranians girls being forced to get in the American cars, or about how an American officer hit an Iranian soldier with his car but Pahlavi regime couldn't do anything. So Iranians had felt the taste of humiliation.
According to Hosseinian: "It's so humiliating that Shah had to give a daily report to US ambassador according to Sullivan's diaries, or even Huyser entered the country without Shah being informed. Besides, in recruitment and dismissal of the ministers, Shah was also under pressure of East and West.
He says: "Iranians have seen and tasted the humiliation through the history, so "Down with USA" is still one of their main chants today.
Translated by: Roya Jalali