«... براي سخنراني به مسجد رفتيم. بعد از سخنراني درحاليکه از شبستانها بيرون ميآمديم، صداي گلوله تمام فضاي مسجد را پُر کرد. برادرها ما را به درون شبستان هدايت کردند و فرياد ميزدند: «نترسيد، تيرهاشون مشقيه!» اما يک نفر زخمي شده بود و زماني که ما بيرون آمديم، جلو بيمارستان امدادي ديديم که مردها آستينها را بالا زدهاند که خون بدهند. آن قدر همه دلسوز هم بودند. آن زمانها برادرانمان ازجمله برادر شهيدم، احمد و شهيد عليرضا عمراني و ديگر برادران، به ما تکهاي مقوا ميدادند و ميگفتند، اگر گاز اشکآور زدند اينها را آتش بزنيد تا به شما آسيبي نرسد. ...»
"... we went to the mosque for a lecture. After the speech, while we were coming out of the chapels, the sound of gunshots filled the entire space of the mosque. The religious brothers led us into the chapel and shouted: "Don't be afraid, they are shooting blanks!" But one person was injured and when we came out, we saw in front of the emergency hospital that men had raised their sleeves to give blood. Everyone was so caring. At that time, our brothers, including my brother shaheed Ahmad and Shaheed Alireza Omrani and other brothers, would give us a piece of cardboard and say, if they fire tear gas, set them on fire so that you don't get hurt. ..."